Week 5 lecture

The discussion in the lecture this week related to “collaboration.” Collaboration is something that I am concerned about in Project Brief 4, because I am concerned that there will be a difference of opinion in the group, or I will end up having to work on a project that I do not find any enjoyment in. To be honest, I do prefer to work independently, because I have had some trouble with media projects before, which included me being the only one in the group who did the work. I do agree that communication is a very important thing for a successful group project, as this has been my downfall with previous group projects. 
In terms of the reading, there were lots of resources that related to the idea of “collaboration.” The Sawyer reading offered many examples of team work creating success (such as an example with basketball teams in Indiana) or creating something artisitic. Sawyer explains the techniques that are involved with group work, with one of the key arguments that the team must work together to collaborate on an overall goal, to be in communication with one another. Sawyer also states that focus is also a key factor in a successful collaboration, as well as making sure that the group is in control of their efforts. 
In the lecture, we also discussed project brief 3, which made me brainstorm who to interview for the brief. At this stage, I plan to interview my younger brother. He has an extensive nature collection and a fascination with animals since before he could talk. I feel that this would be appropriate for project brief, and should hopefully help me gain essential stock footage for the film. I am worried about the sourcing and the editing of the stock footage, as I have not had much experience in the area before. 

Workshop 5

Today was the presentations for our Project Brief 2. As I was happy with my original footage from Project Brief 1, I decided to use the footage to create a film. I also enjoyed watching everyone else’s interpretation of the brief, as there was a variety of ideas that reflected the topic of “who we are.” All seemed quite personal, and there were quite a view individuals who decided to keep the footage from their first project brief as footage for their second project. I did, however, have some trouble with mine, as I am unfamiliar with editing, but do hope to improve it with briefs such as this.

Media self portrait v2.0

All of my footage is from the previous lo-fi project, with only 5 seconds of extra audio of the sound of foot-steps created and added in the beginning of the video. Although, overall, I am pleased with my final product, this project has taught me useful techniques involving sound and editing. I feel that I was previously experienced with the transitioning the footage with the software iMovie, but I was not experienced with audio. I feel that I have successfully learned this technique thanks to this project.
My opening title is also used as my text. I have done this because the quote by CS Lewis is a statement that I live by, and reflects my future working goals in the field of journalism, which has been under more scrutiny than ever in the past few years.
The texts that I read over in the audio recordings are by Oscar Wilde (the Picture of Dorian Gray) and CS Lewis (the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe), two of my favourite novels from my teenager years and my childhood, respectively. I feel that I have edited these recordings well with the images, and that it personally reflects me. The Oscar Wilde quotes reflects my feelings for art (seen in the image of the postcards on the side of a bookshelf) and for writing, which I consider to be my passion in life. The pictures of the open diary with the pressed flowers, and converse shoes with the book Jane Eyre (positioned to “converse” the feminism that I feel is expressed in the novel). I feel that this represents me, in reflecting my favourite novel and past-time, as well as my personal beliefs of gender equality.
The next roll of footage reflects objects around my room. This includes sentimental pieces, such as my first perfume and pieces of wall-hangings purchased after my parents separated when I was a child. I have not placed any audio recordings of this, since I feel that the background sound of the video suits with the tone of the images.
Although some may disagree, I am happy with my extended shot of my final photograph with a recording of CS Lewis writings. This photograph signifies my Australian and Turkish heritage, particularly with the 100th anniversary of ANZAC day in mere weeks. I have chosen a CS Lewis quote, because it has been said that British author, CS Lewis, was heavily inspired by Turkey, particularly by the city of Istanbul, where my family’s heritage lives. This inspiration is also seen in the novel, with repeated mentions of the food, Turkish delight and the heroic character of Aslan named with the Turkish word for ‘lion’.
For next time, I plan to improve my camera work. Although I am happy with the final product, I do not like how the camera shakes in the footage. I have tried to improve it by adding audio of footsteps, to display the movement of the camera, but it is something that I plan to focus on improving in the next project.
In the beginning of this project, I believed that it would be difficult to successfully change between camera footage and photography, I have worked hard to make sure that the transgression was subtle, and feel that I was successful in my aim, but hope to improve next time.

Week 4 example

There are countless examples of the media being accused of “manipulating” footage in the editing room. In some interviews, particularly with politicians, the footage can be manipulated to make the interviewee react in a way that they did not in the actual interview. This can be to create drama in the interview, or to create controversy and entertainment. This has been accused of happening in politics, such as using out of context quotes from the opposing party for an election campaign.

In regards of editing being used for the sake of entertainment, an example, the BBC had to apologies in 2007 for its editing in the documentary of Monarchy: The Royal Family At Work. In the documentary, the Queen was portrayed unfavourably, as one particular scene showed the Queen walking out in frustration after a photoshoot. The actual footage was shot before the Monarch’s photoshoot, but was edited to depict the Queen angrily walking out the photoshoot.

BBC apologises

Week 4 lecture

The discussion in the lecture the week related to “media is…”. I was interested in the talk relating to editing. I have previously found the practical work of editing to be a bit repetitive for me to find enjoyment in, but I was interested in the theory of it today. I found it interesting that the context matters in editing, and footage can be easily manipulated due to this film-making technique. Although this may seem obvious, I always thought that to manipulate images, it would involve a lot more technique and a little more complex than it was portrayed to me in the lecture. 
I did enjoy the reading this week. The comic format by Scott McCloud was quite interesting and complex, the philosophy behind “the invisible art” did some quite odd at times, but it was a very independent take on this type of philosophy. However, I did question the importance of “questioning reality” and “closure” in the context of studying media. 

Week 4 workshop

Today’s workshop was focused on getting used to the editing and formatting of stock footage. This was complicated for me, as I tried to find footage that related to one another, but it ended up looking quite dis-jointed as a final product. I tried to keep it consistent by only using black and white footage, but it was difficult to select similar content. The footage I selected related to planes and Amelia Earhart, as well protesting for racial equality in the 1960s. I tried to portray revolutions such as technology to the demand for equality, using Hugh Laurie’s blues piece “St. James infirmary”, however, I was unhappy with my editing work. I feel that this is something that I need to improve on throughout this course, particularly in the transitioning of footage. 

Readings, Week 3: “Media is a public practice.”

Today’s lecture was essentially filled with a variety of guest speakers, with the focus of “media is a public practice.” After a very detailed discussion regarding copyright and the basic rules behind it, we were provided with guest speakers that provided a more in depth analysis behind the idea that “media is a public practice.”

This week’s reading by Kay Donovan investigates the ethics that are involved in creating a documentary film, with some filmmakers struggling with this concept through the process of creating their media product. The researcher focuses on the making of the documentary  Tagged, and the problems regarding ethics that the filmmakers experienced throughout the making of the film.

Lo-fi project inspiration.

For my personal project, I am inspired by the novel by Alexa Chung- ‘it’. ‘It’ is essentially a book filled with personal photographs (without a ‘selfie’ photograph in sight) and anecdotes along with them. I am inspired by this particular work as it is rather simplistic in its style. I feel that my project brief one will be heavily inspired by this work. In it, she writes in her own words explaining to the reader what she is inspired by, and things that she enjoys. It is quite a personal novel, and think that it is an appropriate choice to be inspired by in this particular project brief. However, I feel that I am beginning to gain more solid ideas for the project. At this stage, I am brainstorming ideas relating to my Turkish heritage, as I feel that it is a huge part of who I am as a person. I consider myself as much Turkish as I do Australian- but its a little bit difficult for me to find an idea for a photograph that represents this thoroughly.

My (tad worn) copy of Alexa Chung's 'It'.
My (tad worn) copy of Alexa Chung’s ‘It’.

My other idea for the moment involves taking a picture of my favourite novel. I have a worn copy of Jane Eyre that I found in a Fitzroy second hand book shop when I was 15. I read it during a not-so fun stage of my life, and loved it ever since. It has been a book that I mindlessly escape to during tougher times in the past few years, often reading it when I couldn’t sleep at night. I feel that I should take photograph of that book for this reason, as it symbolises a great deal for me personally.

Lofi Media Project


“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”- CS Lewis

My overall aim in this personal project is to reflect particular objects that I consider to be a part of my history, as well as things that make me happy and representations of who I think I am as a person. The two videos show particular things that I find interesting in my bedroom, while my photographs range from things such as my favourite novel, an old diary of mine, a plant that was gifted by a family friend and a representation of my family’s national heritage. The latter in represented through a Turkish carpet and a cup of milky tea, representing my Turkish and Australian heritage. The tea cup is also older and more “military” in appearance, which I have used to represent the upcoming 100th anniversary of Australia’s landing in Gallipoli. The audio includes passages from some of my favourites authors, including Oscar Wilde and his novel, “the Picture of Dorian Gray.” My childhood favourite novel, “the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” by CS Lewis, is also read and recorded for my second audio piece. The quote that I chosen is also by CS Lewis, and is a quote that I consider important to me- as I feel that it represents in my future goal of working in the field of journalism.

Week 2- lecture: task

As we were exploring throughout the RMIT buildings, the challenge soon became “where is media not?” From a painting of Bill Murray (I know, right?) to a rather cliché blimp in the sky, there are many different types of media that we are exposed to every day. It is more than traditional media that we see in television, films and more conventional forms of advertising. In the world of ever-changing and constant technologies, it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid media in general. Even being on the street, you cannot help but be completed immersed in the media that you are surrounded by, without even noticing that you are taking on the media and it’s messages. I assumed that I would have some trouble finding different types of “media” in the public eye. However, it soon became the challenge of “where wasn’t there media”.
Up high: Blimp advertising for “appliances online”
On the ground: Graffiti, no smoking sign (RMIT)
Mid-ground: Vending machine
Background: No smoking sign, Bill Murray painting, tram advertising, William Barak apartments
Foreground: Tram advertising
In your hand: Apple iPhone
Overall, this exploration helped me realise the vast amount of media that we are exposed to, and how easily we accept it to be part of our everyday lives. In some regards, this conclusion is alarming. However, at the same time, it is fascinating to view it in this mind-set of becoming more aware of the extent of the media content we are surrounded by everyday.
I found the William Bark apartment buildings to be the most interesting. A few nights before taking part in this exploration, I saw a television news report about the apartment buildings being built, and had no idea that they were so close to the RMIT campus. William Barak was one of the last traditional leader of the Wurundjeri-willam clan, the first people and traditional owners of this land. Barak worked tirelessly for the social freedoms and justice for the Aborigine community. I feel that it is a respectful tribute, as his face is clearly shown, but is subtly done. It is almost like he is “watching” over the city of Melbourne, as it grows to become a much different land than it once was.
William Barak apartment building
To sum up the readings for the week, I believe that the main message is that we must move away from the more traditional thinking of media. The previously used media model of message and receiver should not be considered in today’s media. Media in its entirety is a progressive field, subjective to changes due to improvement of technology or to a new way of thinking. In our society today, there is an overwhelming amount of media consumed in all areas of our everyday lives. We are not limited to just a few types of media. There are a range of different types, which was proven in the pictured outing.