Protected: Final Reflection – The Final Shoot
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Continue reading →Since we ventured into the area a few weeks ago in class, I’ve been thinking about all the possible applications of the cuculoris and why they aren’t as prevalent today as they were in the past. The origin of the term and the creation of the cuculoris is mysterious and seems to have originated in Hollywood, apparently […]
Continue reading →When reading the list of upcoming studios, I was immediately drawn to the one called ‘Film Light’. This was because, one: thus far in my studies at RMIT there had not been a studio focused solely on lighting; and two: because I really felt like this was an area in my own technical repertoire that […]
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Continue reading →Robin invited one of his friends, Rory, who works professionally as a gaffer to visit and gives us some insight into what he does for a living and the type of gear he uses every day and what has been popular lighting equipment over the years. The first light he showed us, an Inky, was […]
Continue reading →For this Wednesday’s exercise we were attempting to create a scene shot in a dark study, we had a desk lamp which we liked the look of, but decided that we needed more light. We opted for a dedo light, which has a good spot and was perfect for the type of control we needed […]
Continue reading →The week after the presentations we planned to do our main shoot at Magic Mountain Saloon and in the car park next to it. But upon reflection we decided that we just weren’t prepared for shooting that night. We had not booked equipment yet and were not completely decided on the shots we wanted, nor […]
Continue reading →Edward Lachman is a cinematographer whose work I have spoken about briefly before on this blog, but I have chosen to focus on him again, because he is the type of cinematographer whose work I would love to be able to emulate and who approaches his craft from the point of view of an artist, […]
Continue reading →My group for Assignment four consists of Darcey, Louise, Sam and Quinlin – we plan to shoot a scene where two characters leave a location, in this case we’ve secured the Magic Mountain Saloon, and walk to a car. There will then be a brief dialogue scene between the two characters inside the car. We […]
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