Dialogue With The Writers – This is Serial #5

We’ve come a long way since we produced this video prompt 

Dynamics in the group are changing and we’re getting to know the strengths of some and discovering what others still need to learn – I think this is clear in the prompts we are producing and sending to the writers as part of our dialogue with them. Our videos are getting a lot more succinct and we have an idea of what direction we want to go in for our web series. Groups who work well together or have similar ideas are working together continually on the same prompts. This is good as group work can be absolute torture if you don’t like the group of people you’re working with. Of course, creative differences are always expected and welcome in my book, because I’m comfortable in not knowing everything in many areas of production. I am always looking for help and will lend a hand if I see a quicker or more effective way to do something – it’s what makes a good team, which I think we have in our course. We all just have to improve our onset professionalism and organisation, myself, especially included.

I think the writers are probably on the same page as us with the comedy route, but time will tell. I am a little nervous with what they have sent back thus far, as even though we were able to come up with a really great web series idea, I’m a little nervous with the quality of their writing and their commitment to creating something that’s polished. At this point I want to make complete and well put together episodes, that I can be proud of and at this point I feel like I could write something just as good as the writers are producing. I shouldn’t be totalitarian with my statements though, as I have yet to see a script for an episode and when I get that will be when I will either panic or rejoice with excitement.

I think the dialogue could be improved by being able to spend some time with the writers, to flesh out ideas in person with them and tell them where our headspace is at right now. Then they can go off and run with what we’ve given them. Thus far it has felt like a very seperate process and waiting for them to respond is frustrating.  I find myself just wanting an update on whether they even liked what we produced or to be able to tell them what direction to go in. But that’s probably the reasoning behind keeping us more seperate, to not inhibit their creative process, which makes absolute sense. Time will tell where our dialogue will go, but hopefully to positive and better places.

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