Class 18 Reflection – Film Light

For this Wednesday’s exercise we were attempting to create a scene shot in a dark study, we had a desk lamp which we liked the look of, but decided that we needed more light. We opted for a dedo light, which has a good spot and was perfect for the type of control we needed and for similuated light coming from a lamp, because they are both smaller shaped sources of light. We bounced the dedos light against white coreboard, then cut the spill of light from the lamp using black coreboard, so it lit Kerry realistically and exuded the feeling of the scene. Robin taught us that positioning the the coreboard in a box-like shape (like in the above photograph), using C-stands to hold the coreboard up, simulated the idea that the extra light was coming from the lamp. This allowed us to not lose the idea of having only the one light source shown in the scene be the lamp, while also not compromising the feel of the scene. We were trying to tell the story of a man, who is haunted by the ghost or memory of his late wife.

We did not have to change much for the reverse shot of Darcey, who was playing the ghostly incarnation of the man’s wife. The dark lighting complimented this ghostliness. This exercise really showed the control that coreboard can afford us.


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