Can’t stop thinking of Twin Peaks at the moment – True to Form #20

The new season of Twin Peaks is finally coming after 26 years of anticipation. In preparation my sister, who watched the show when it first aired, and I decided to have a rewatch of the entire first and second seasons. Viewing the show again reignited my intense love of David Lynch, his unique blend of random weirdness and artistic flair inspires me like no other creator/filmmaker that has existed past or present. There’s just something about the fact that he doesn’t follow the contrived Hollywood editing techniques and style of filmmaking where everything is cut together succinctly and we are told constantly and not shown. He lets his takes run  long and conversations wander into weird areas (I’m thinking of the opening scene of season two if anyone knows the show).

He is able to world build in such an atmospheric and mysterious way, that we feel like the characters are relatable, but they also could be from vastly different times and have met at an intersection of time and place so ambiguous, yet somehow simple.

He inspires me because he comes from an artistic background and has blended that with his filmmaking. I aim to do this as well in my career as well, because I find that whenever I step too far away from I become less creatively stimulated and passionate about my work. But I also love storytelling, so I don’t want to forgo filmmaking. Therefore I have to somehow combine the two, like Lynch has done.

I will be writing about the new season and seeing how it measures up to the original series. I am beyond excited to see what David Lynch has cooked up for us.

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