Category: General

All the harder to categorise stuff goes here. This includes posts not directly related to the Communication (Media) degree.

Video of the Week: ‘The Most Recognisable Voice in New York’

Continuing this week’s unintentional documentary theme, I thought it’d be nice to share a really short documentary piece I found on Vimeo. It introduces us to Charlie Pellett, the man known as the “stand clear of the closing doors guy” – the man who makes the announcements in the New York Subway System. The brief summary of Charlie’s history and how he…

Video of the Week: ‘Spherikal’

This is a really amazing and intriguing piece of work. While it isn’t a drama/documentary piece, I think it’s a really well put together exploration of the properties of the sphere. It’s interesting to see how much can be created from such a simple (black & white) geometric idea. This deep exploration of simpler ideas is something that I would…

Video of the Week: ‘Alma Flamenca’

This is a beautifully inspired, shot and edited short film. In my opinion it blends conventions of drama & documentary – making it a perfect piece of work to inspect as a ‘Film 3’ student. While it documents the process of constructing an acoustic guitar, it also presents the woodwork in a dramatic and stylised manner. The cinematography and vfx…

Get Reel

I’ve wanted to edit myself a showreel for a while now – today I finally had the time (and effort) to do so. I wanted it to be short, fast-paced and engaging – hopefully this ‘first draft’ attempt is a step in the right direction to achieving this. It presents a sample of my film/video work from the last 2-3 years.…

Project 2 [Media Self-Portrait – Editing Stage]

Here it is, my ‘Media Self-Portrait’ video. I’ll leave my reflection below. I found it fairly difficult to produce this video. I had made various edits, but I didn’t think any portrayed my personality accurately. I’m happy with how the final edit turned out though, and I think it succeeds in illustrating ‘who I am’. I tried to represent myself…

Project 1 [Media Self-Portrait – Collection Stage]

It took me quite a while to think of ways to represent myself within various media forms. How will I show a selection of my ideologies, interests and strengths using photo, video, audio and writing I wondered. However, once I began to collect these ‘media pieces’, I found it quite enjoyable to use symbolic, abstract, and innovative ideas to create…

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