Story Lab [part 12]: Project Planning

With our transmedia project team now formed we’ve been able to start figuring out how we’re going to achieve the creation of our interactive crime-mystery narrative. It’s been really useful to start exploring and discussing the project’s potentials with everyone. The different ideas each of us have brought to the table have so far made developing the narrative quite a smooth and interesting process.

At the moment we’ve been predominantly working on developing the project’s central storyline as once this is done we’ll be better prepared to break apart our story in order to deliver it over a range of mediums and platforms. By establishing our characters and the events of our story, I think we’ve begun to get a feel for the project. In the coming weeks I think that this early planning of our narrative will pay off.

Through our initial planning it has become clear that the story we are attempting to create will require a lot of painstaking planning and preparation. The pre-production stage of our project will be crucial and in the next 4 weeks I think we’re going to have to focus heavily on ensuring we stay on track in regards to producing the content and the scheduling the release of narrative information.

I’m looking forward to seeing where the next few weeks takes our project and I think it’ll be particularly interesting to see how our initial ideas transfer into a more final product. I feel like our team is going to work really well together and so far we’ve all been able to bounce ideas off each other easily. This has been (and will continue to be) a key component of our production’s development and success.

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