[READ]: ‘Portal 2 – LAB RAT’

Give the Portal 2 Comic a read.

The Portal 2 ‘Lab Rat’ comic is an excellent example of a transmedia storytelling strategy. Published just prior to the release of the anticipated Portal 2, the comic builds upon the mysterious and incomplete world that Valve has created through it’s Half-Life and Portal game franchises. It also fills the gap between the original Portal and it’s sequel.

The comic provides an interesting perspective into numerous in-game elements and areas, and there are aspects of the game which can only be properly understood after learning about the character of ‘Doug Rattmann’ and the other story elements covered by the comic. It’s similar to the Matrix’s use of comics, games and films, just on a far smaller scale.

Regardless of its small scale, the comic does provide fans with additional material and information regarding the Portal universe, and builds upon the narrative which players can experience. It allows for further speculation and discussion amongst fans of the franchise.

(If you haven’t played Portal 2 and you aren’t into video games…you should probably still play it just for the story).

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