I kind of dropped the ball on my ‘weekly’ story-sharing posts, but I’m here now to share one last ‘story-of-the-week’.
Overwatch is Blizzard’s latest game, and before I talk about the relevance of the embedded video I’d just like to point out that it was released at EXACTLY the wrong time – right in the middle of final assessments. wtf Blizzard.
Anyways, in the lead up its release Blizzard produced a number of (pretty decent) animated short films to promote the game and establish some of its characters and lore. Considering that the actual game has no story-mode, it’s interesting to see how Blizzard has attempted (and succeeded) to create a backstory and ‘universe’ for the game to take place within.
Through this approach to ‘universe building’, the characters and their personalities can be developed and explored – adding an interesting dimension to a somewhat typical online shooter.
I think it’s good to see these kinds of story-based promotional campaigns becoming more and more popular. I guess thanks to Marvel everyone’s trying to build their own ‘cinematic/narrative’ universes.