This week we spent a lot of time refining our ideas and discussing many of the problems that we had begun to see popping up within our initial concepts. In our Wednesday session, we began to gain a better sense of what needed ‘fixing’ through a process of asking questions and identifying gaps in our planning and writing.
While this exposed a lot of work that still needs to be done (and overwhelmed us out for a while), it was definitely a valuable discussion to have, and I feel like we’re now in good shape to keep moving forwards. I think the discussions we’ve had this week have really helped everyone get a better understanding of what we’re doing, and what we want to achieve.
I hadn’t realised how useful this process of self-questioning could be, and it’s certainly something which I’ll continue to use in my future projects. It’s definitely important to find weaknesses in your own work, and by asking yourself to identify things that aren’t working you can ultimately produce a far stronger final product.
This week has certainly helped us refine our concepts into a more solid piece of work. I think we’re now starting to develop a more stable understanding of what it takes to produce a transmedia ARG product and how to manage a storyline across a variety of platforms.
After ironing out many of our project’s issues, it became clear to us that we might need to reevaluate some areas of our concept. This led to more discussion regarding the scope of our story and the ways we are actually going to enable audience interaction.
I think we may have begun to feel somewhat overwhelmed by the goals we had set ourselves, so it was good to talk about scaling down/reconfiguring certain aspects of the production.
If we had more time we could certainly achieve everything we wanted to, however this is unfortunately a luxury we don’t have (especially with other assessment pieces lurking in the background). At this point in time I think it’s important to readjust, otherwise we’ll likely lose control over the already quite detailed story that we’re hoping to create.