In my last post I talked about an idea I’ve been developing. After a bit of thinking I decided that I’d like to continue to explore the idea of shooting footage and experiments during the night.
The consult session today was helpful in further developing my ideas and attitudes towards this very ‘film3’ practical research assignment. The footage captured and ideas developed in the coming weeks will hopefully help inform future projects – whatever they may be; feature films, dramas, documentaries, etc.
I’ve come to really enjoy the creative flexibility that this course provides and I think that approaching filmmaking with an open mind and broad scope really allows for greater creativity and the development of more unique and refreshing content. I’m going to structure my research as a series of explorative exercises that will each aim to achieve a certain effect, look, style, etc.
I don’t know exactly what these experiments will consist of yet, but I do have some preliminary ideas that will hopefully ignite the project and allow me to ‘power’ my investigations into the nigh-time landscape.