Film 3: Writing for Ideas PART3 [19 August]

As part of our ongoing research into filmmaking and experimentation/development of creative ideas I have begun trying to notice and reflect upon as much as I can – from feelings, ideas & images that I see during my daily life (at home, at uni, while travelling, etc). This developing habit of internal & external awareness is how the following idea came into my head…

There’s something special about putting on your headphones, setting your train trip a soundtrack and then silently observing the scenes and passengers that sit before you. I think that the train is a great place to sit back and observe a range of characters – some who you’ll likely notice again in the future and some that you’ll probably never consciously see again in your life. 

I find this temporal and usually abruptly ending relationship with fellow Myki holders (and of course fare evaders) to be a very interesting one, and I think the idea of shared glances and traded smiles has much potential for an experimental creative film project. A lot can be learned about a person by just observing their actions and I think that certain passengers can trigger intriguing daydreams and explosions of creative ideas.

I began to imagine how I could represent these ideas through the film medium – I think an interesting way to do this would be to juxtapose various imagery and show different elements coming into contact and interacting with each other. I think it’d be interesting to experiment with showing brief flashes of information and using contrast and movement in particular to convey these ideas. Would I be able to create a portrait of a character through more abstract imagery?

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