Film 3 was the studio class that appealed to me the most – and I feel that this was largely due to the briefs and aims that were described in the course’s outline. The somewhat experimental approach to drama/documentary filmmaking attracted my interest as one of my main aspirations at the moment is to uncover and develop my own creative style. Below is a short list and explanation of some of my key goals for this semester (and the remainder of the course).
1. Develop a Personal Style
As I mention above, one of my reasons for taking up this course was to discover my creative process and style. I feel that I have begun to discover my creative strengths and preferred visual aesthetics as a filmmaker and photographer however I certainly still have a long way to go until I can comfortably describe my ‘style’. The broad scope and experimental components of Film 3 will hopefully help me strengthen my overall understanding of my creative strengths, weaknesses, habits and ideas.
2. Improve Practical Skills and Knowledge
As we were told in Media 1, it will be important for us to become comfortable in using our chosen equipment so that we can more easily capture and create our media products. For me this will include mastering the operation of the Sony cameras, as film & photo is currently where my main interest lies. However we have been told that we will become proficient in many areas of production and this is great because ultimately I would like to become a ‘well rounded’ media practitioner with skills in a variety of areas – this should allow for more flexibility when it comes to personal projects, career opportunities and more.
3. Explore Filmmaking Options & Strengthen my Creativity
Our investigation into combining documentary and drama production techniques in our filmmaking seems to be a fantastic way to develop new ideas and creative strategies. This exploration and redefining of our understandings of the filmmaking craft is what Film 3 is all about and I think through completing the practical, theoretical and reflective aspects of the course my ability to conceive and test out new ideas will be heightened.
4. Develop my Self Reflection Skills and Techniques
In Media 1 I sometimes found it difficult to reflect deeply on the course content. I didn’t have as many issues reflecting on my own work, however in order to improve my general skill and understanding of the media ‘making’ process I still feel the need to further develop my reflective abilities. I’ll try to explore different ways to analyse and reflect upon the lessons I learn in Film 3 and will look for new ways to analyse and critique my own (and others) works.
5. Increase Confidence in Technical Ability and Theoretical Knowledge
It’s been made clear that throughout the semester we should aim to look professional (“cool”) when operating the cameras, audio recorders and other equipment. While it’s probably possible to ‘fake’ this sort of technical competence, I’d much rather develop my understandings of the equipment so that I can feel 100% comfortable when out and about capturing image/sound. Knowing how certain decisions will impact the ‘final product’ is also an important thing to be able to do and I’ll need to develop my understandings of the theoretical ideas behind the practical techniques I know/learn. This will let me make more informed decisions and should increase the overall quality of my work.