Semester 1: Final Reflection

What I’ve Learnt:

I feel that during this semester the majority of my learning occurred in (and after) our Lectorial sessions. At the start of the course I was already somewhat experienced with the practical techniques and ideas of production and so the theoretical information that we covered in our lectorials provided fresh knowledge which challenged my existing ways of thinking about the media. I’ve learnt a lot regarding the academic/theoretical aspects of media studies and practice (collaboration, remixes, and more).

The experience of being at university has also provided many new lessons. Coming to RMIT straight after the VCE break (which ruined my productivity) certainly tested my work ethic – the sudden presence of deadlines and homework took a while to get used to again. However, now that I’ve reached the end of the semester, I think I’ve realised the level of dedication that this course will require and I’m certainly ready to apply a more effective approach to study next semester.

How I Learn:

I’ve always felt that I learn more efficiently and effectively through practical tasks, and to be honest I was hoping for a few more practical assessments during this semester. However I understand that this was a introductory course and that its main purpose was to prepare us to become more thoughtful and effective media students and practitioners. I enjoyed the structure of the lectorial sessions as they blended a range of activities together in order to make us think with greater depth about each topic.

What I Found Most Challenging:

I often find it difficult to talk about myself and describe my passions and interests. One of the most challenging tasks this semester was the Self-Portrait project that we worked on in the earlier weeks of the course. It took me a long time to find a way to express myself through writing and video but I think that through the completion of the task I learnt more about myself and found new ways to describe who I am. The significant emphasis on reflective thinking has also been a challenge for me. I’ve often struggled to find ways to reflect on my projects and experiences in relation to the theoretical knowledge we’ve covered each week. Based on my assessment feedback so far, my practical skills are fine but reflective thinking is definitely an area which needs more work.

What I’ve Discovered About my Creative Practice:

The practical tasks we’ve been given have helped me develop a greater sense of my ‘creative style’ and strengths. The second portrait assignment tested by editing abilities (with the required found footage component) but I overcame this challenge and discovered through class feedback that others find my editing to be impressive and engaging (boosting my confidence). I’ve identified a weakness in my manipulation of sound however and definitely want to improve upon this in the coming months. This semester I’ve confirmed that ideally I want to become a well-rounded media creator with a range of audio/visual skills and theoretical knowledge.

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