Media 1 Practical [Week 5]

In week 5, we spent the majority of our practical class time sharing our Self-Portrait projects.

It was interesting to see how others in the class had approached the assignment and how they had combined the different media forms (photos, videos, audio, etc.) into a single piece of work. I was happy with how my video turned out and it was nice to receive positive feedback from others in the class. Discussion was prompted after watching each video, and it made me realise that I’m going to need to start participating more in class discussion. I’m often happy to just listen to what others have to say and think silently to myself, but I think it’s time to try getting more involved.

In the second half of our class, we were split into groups and sent out to do some practical work. The exercise required us to film 3 variations of the same action (2 people meeting, shaking hands, and walking away), each variation had to explore a different ‘level’ of camera movement. It was nice to get into some hands-on work, and to experiment around with the borrowed cameras and tripods. The activity certainly took me back to my Unit 1/2 Media days.

Here’s a pretty amazing video which documents the evolution of visual effects (vfx). I’m pretty into that area of filmmaking and it’s crazy to see how far the medium has advanced since the beginning of cinema.

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