I Think I’ve Got This!

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I did some reshoots of my videos early this morning. It was pretty well. I shall edit it all tonight and compile it.

I captured all the shots that I had intended to last week, that is, I filmed clips of the ceilings, lights, walls, windows, the floor and the carpet. I was quite surprise at the videos that I filmed, they were more aestheticly pleasing to the eye.

I’m setting out to edit the unedited clips as well as obtaining all the good copies and put it all in order from 1 to 100 and uploading it into my Flickr account. I feel like deleting all the videos that I have right now in my Flickr account, I want to start anew. So, that’s something to certainly to think about.

I plan to group the videos in “chunks”, that is arranged them to “areas”, for example:

  • RUSU area – where the toilets are/hallway towards the Queer Lounge and the Women’s Lounge.
  • Resource table
  • Kitchenette
  • Study area
  • Board games/Xbox games
  • Bookshelf – self-help resources
  • Crafternoon cupboard
  • Lounge area – where the couches are
  • TV area

Of course, I’m not going to put it in that order, but this order sounds perfect to me right now, so I’m still lukewarm about this list of chunks for my gallery.

Tomorrow, I will have a day off and I’ll be concentrating on how to connect the footage that I’ve filmed with theories and ideas. I plan to do some research about Queer film studies as well as feminism/political things.

As of right now, I’m confident that I will complete this task the way I want to.

The thing with me is that I’m not particularly good at public speaking so I feel that I will struggle with the presentation. I know what I’m going to say and what not, I just need the theories/ideas/research to back up my footages.

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