“Queer It Up!”


In Wednesdays studio, we were all paired up and we were to watch each other’s 10o videos that made up our project #3. After, we were to evaluate on our classmates work-in-progress as part of a class discussion.

Adrian gave me the following advice for my project:

  • Right now, you are seeing it from your point of view: don’t
  • See it from another point of view:
    • Look at it from a queer point of view
  • What is the queer lounge? What are the qualities of this space? What makes the lounge a lounge? A ceiling, walls, carpet, floor, windows, light switch, corners, etc.?
  • Queer theories – do some research
  • Bring in queerness to the things you capture
  • Don’t just point and shoot
  • Make the video clips you capture “queer”: spice it up with some queer stuff – film magazines, zines, posters, brochures.
  • What is the queer lounge about? It’s about people hanging out, a place to study, a place to make friends, a place to eat, a safe place, a place to relax and rest.
  • What does the queer lounge highlight?
  • Right now, you are being gentle and sensible with your videos, go apply some queer politics in the videos – feminism, hetreonormativity, some gender-neutral toilets campaigns posters.

The summary in my head when Adrian gave me his advice for my project :

  • Make your videos gay, make it gay, gay, gay, gggaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Or queer as he puts it.
  • Spice up your videos with some gayness 😉 – you know it! A little shot of HIV and STI resources will be quite naughty.
  • Feminism – something to explore? Hmm…. Interesting, I’ve always wanted to study womens’ study…
  • Queer theories? I don’t know any… Maybe I should look that up… Awkward that I’m the Queer Officer and don’t know about queer theories, how embarrassing…
  • Gender-neutral toilets posters? But I’ve already filmed it?
  • See it/film it from another point of view: gay it up? A newbie: a queer student that’s new to the queer lounge? Maybe…
  • Film the queer lounge, not the things in it, exactly what the queer lounge is, ceilings, lights, walls, windows, etc. Stop trying to be so fancy by filming what’s in the queer lounge, go back to basics and think humbly: what is the queer lounge made of?

What I will be doing next:

I will be following the advice of Adrian, some, but not all.

I thought that I would have finished filming my 100 videos and call it a wrap – I’ve actually filmed more than 100, it’s more like 126 videos to be exact, all edited down to 5 seconds too. I will be reshooting some shots and/or replacing the shots with the other videos that I’ve uploaded into my Flickr account. I’ll be filming early in the morning on Wednesday this week and hopefully, I’ll get a chance to edit it during the day when I have my breaks in between my classes.

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