Reading One

Studies in Documentary Film 

Interactive documentary is platform that allows the user to partake in an active role in participating as entertainment, allowing the user to take control of the interactive documentary itself through the means of an act of engagement. The authors claim interactive documentaries that “the relations of interdependence of i-docs that they create between the user and the reality that they portray” (p. 131) is new.

The types of interactive documentary that they suggest currently exist includes the conversational mode, the hypertext mode, the participative mode and the experiential mode. The conversational mode makes use of digital 3D graphics in video games highlighting that the technology needs the user to participate. The hypertext mode gives capability to the participant in the interactive documentary in selecting the various options so to link the user to probe videos. The participative mode needs the user to participate in order for the interactive documentary to compile and evolve. The experiential mode challenges not only the users senses but also their perception of the world when they are actively involve in the interactive documentary.

The conversational mode, the hypertext mode, the participative mode and the experiential mode do matter interactive documentary makers in regards to their target audience, the suggested different modes allows the users to be selective. The modes have contrasting yet similar functions. The makers generate a range of options during the production of the interactive documentary for the users to participate in, yet they presumed are to be given a choice when they are selective of the decision that they make as they engage in the interactive documentary such as video games or an art gallery digital installation.


  • Aston, J, Gaudenzi, S, 2012, Studies in Documentary Film, 6.2, Intellect Ltd, London, p. 125-135.


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