Editing is usually the part I look forward to when it comes to working on these kinds of projects. This one wasn’t any different. Even though all of the footage and audio was a big clusterfuck of shit, I was eager to tidy at all up into one organized video.
The overall project is split up into four chapters, which we split up among the group to each edit individually. So, I got started on the second chapter, because personally, it was the one that I felt I had the most control over when shooting.
For the most part, it was basically just shot reverse shot. I had a couple of issues in which both cameras knocked off focus for that one fraction of a second, and so there was no way of hiding it, but it’s not that big of an issue.
Colour-wise, it looks really good. There’s a nice orange glow contrasting with the black background, and the flickering light of the fire which added to it.
The main challenge I had with editing this chapter, (and it’s probably going to be a problem with later chapters too), was matching up the audio with the video. Because we were a little short on crew members during the shoot, nothing was logged. So, I had to go through each individual file and match it up to their respective audio files. And some audio files went for the duration of two to three video files, which also made things difficult.
But overall, it looks great! It’s a good start to this whole editing thing, which is a massive confidence boost.