Today’s lectorial was surprisingly short, as we didn’t have any readings or main topics to discuss. Basically, in the whole hour and a quarter, we spent the time reflecting on our development over the semester, and discussing the studios for next semester. From what I’ve heard so far, the studio work seems to be quite interesting, and more focused on specific areas of different types of media, depending on which ones I choose, as opposed to looking at media in general like we’ve been doing in these past twelve weeks. I have to say, much of the content we looked at this semester isn’t really what I joined this course for, but from what I’ve heard from my friends in second year, the first year kind of sucks in comparison to second. Not that I’ve found all of the content to be extremely boring or anything, but sometimes I have to remind myself that if I want to start doing the fun stuff, I have to get through the slightly more boring stuff first. It’s kind of like having to eat your vegetables before having dessert as a kid.