Week 7 Reading 3

The third reading for week 7 was an extract from Jean Tabaka’s Collaboration explained: Facilitation skills for software project leaders (2006). Basically, the text discusses what defines collaborative teams. Tabaka states that a team should be divided into four different personalities, which he labels as DISC:

  • D – the dominant personality in the group. Captains the rest of the members, and drives them towards the goal.
  • I – the influence. Brainstorms ideas and takes the group in a general direction.
  • S – the steadfast role. They make sure that the rest of the group is satisfied with the final decisions.
  • C – the conscientious role. They check all the facts and figures, and make sure that the group is going in the right direction.

I feel like I want to be the influence in my group due to the fact that I’m relatively decent with ideas and brainstorming, but based on the way that we’re going so far, it seems like each personality is evenly divided among everyone. I reckon this is okay for now since we’re only in the early stages of the assignment, but eventually, we’re going to need to distinguish each others roles. If we don’t do that, there could be a lot of miscommunication about who is supposed to do what.