Media 1 Seminar 6

Our seminar started on a negative note with my realization that results had been published. Of course, my marks were scratching average, but I guess that in a way, it’s a learning experience. So, knowing that now I had to absolutely destroy Project Brief 3, I began to focus more. We were given a little exercise about the narrative structure for the assignment, which contained various questions about the way that we are executing the project. In a way, it’s sort of like a checklist, or a guideline to point us in the right direction. While I am grateful for this, I do sort of wish that we got this exercise about a week earlier. This also goes for the one-on-one discussions we each had with Rachel. With a week to go, I realized the complete wrong direction I was taking this assignment, which is a slight pain in the ass, considering the re-structuring, the re-shooting, and re-editing I have to do. But I guess that’s probably something like Newton’s 17th law of physics. No matter how much he/she tries to avoid it, a student will always leave an assignment to the last minute. So, buckle up, ladies and gentlemen, we have officially entered the first stage of panic mode.