Week 3 Media 1 Seminar

Marking the end of the third week of my second first year, I finished off the the Media 1 seminar. Now that the ice was completely broken, things were starting to get real.

We started off with a relatively detailed discussion about the readings for the week; extracts from David Gauntlett’s ‘Making Media Studies: The Creativity Turn in Media and Cultural Studies’ (2015). I’ll admit, I was finding it a little difficult to follow what people were saying, because when I actually did the readings, I was also half focusing on the making of my Project Brief 2. But after a hectic skim through of the texts, I was able to quickly catch up with the rest of the class. I feel like this is the point where I may start loosing my organizational skills again, but whatever happens, I have to force myself not to fall behind.

After our discussion, we all just continued to work on our project briefs, which was pretty cool in my opinion. My work was finally beginning to piece together. I’m finding the work environment this year much better than in the course I did last year, which is a very good thing, I guess.