The Edit


I started the Haiku (which I realized I should’ve done earlier), and I’ve had to start re-familiarizing myself with Adobe Premiere. After figuring out the basics, I was able to create a small draft which consisted of the structure of the video. I was then able to add in some special effects. As I continued to adjust to the program, I could pay more attention to detail. I feel like I’m just about finished with the editing, but every time I go back and re-watch it, there’s always something I change my mind about or a new idea pops into my head. I guess that’s either me trying to be a perfectionist, or I’m just being ridiculously indecisive. It’s probably the latter.

I’ve been at this for a few hours now, but it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess. Even though I enjoy After Effects just that little bit more, I forgot how much I liked using this program.