After looking through the folders of possible paintings to reflect on, it dawned on me. As much as I adore Impressionist artists like Monet, Manet and Renoir and also have all the time in the world for Rembrandt there is one painting that I’ve spent collectively, many hours, staring at. And it’s hanging in my lounge room.

I digress with a quick backstory.

One of my first jobs was actually at a gallery but it was next door at a vintage clothing shop where I fell in love with this painting. But it wasn’t for sale, so I just secretly pined over it! A few years later and I was moving interstate. On my last day and to my surprise the owner came into the gallery and offered it to me as a parting gift (my secret pining had obviously been not so secret). I very gratefully accepted it but by the time I was able to get it home, the removals had already come. So, I asked a friend to temporarily look after it and post it down the track. Well… that never happened. Fast forward two years and I had moved interstate again, to Melbourne. And eventually the day came I found myself sitting in his lounge room staring at my painting! I’d completely forgot about it. He was reluctant to give it back but it has been on my wall ever since. Now this picture isn’t worth anything, is not in the best condition and really doesn’t match any of my things – but it speaks to me.

‘Gathering Storm’, Bruno Bramanti


The overall light is soft, diffused and low in volume with murky green shadows and yellowy whites. There are fine but hard highlights that mostly provide contrast for the horses against the soft, muted tones. The key light source comes from the setting (or rising) sun in the centre, which is half consumed by a shadowy storm rolling in. The shadows cast by the horses are long and soft, only dense close to the source.

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