Observations of Action

  • The pepper tree in the wind
  • A mother juggling her four kids off the train
  • A stranger captivated by an Indian baby girl
  • Two ex-cons talking about prison life
  • A man falling asleep
  • A magpie searching for breakfast
  • People waiting in line for coffee

Interesting People

  • Allan
  • Trevor
  • Tova
  • Josh
  • Mum
  • Henry
  • Emma
  • Dad

Intriguing Locations

  • Kuitpo Forest
  • Sunset
  • The Ocean
  • Byron
  • Boston
  • Cathedral
  • Mt Lofty Lookout
  • Al’s car
  • Yulara
  • Ooodnatta track
  • Valley of the Winds
  • The Milky Way
  • A Dirt Road
  • The Bush
  • Warrakurna
  • Flinders Rangers
  • Lighting Storms
  • Nail Salon
  • City

As I wrote down these thoughts in class there wasn’t much inspiration coming off the page but after looking back at the lists a few things stand out.

My observations of the world around me are an accurate reflection of how I would take in the world. It can offer insightful moments of raw beauty but in contrast can illuminate the darker sides of life.

The list of locations might become useful for triggering an idea to set a narrative in – which I suppose I have begun doing with Lone Wolf that is set in the outback. And I think I will always be inspired by anything out bush.

I suppose I’ve never thought critically of the people in life and ‘summed’ them up in a way that deems ‘interesting’. My interesting people list also surprises me how male dominant it is. Reflecting on these people is almost a can of worms… You might say when someone is no longer interesting they aren’t in my life any more… Yelp, what a scary, shallow thought. And as much as I hate to admit, over the past few years I’ve realised how I seem to be searching for my dad within the men around me. It’s a strange, kind of uncomfortable thought but its motivated by the impossible hope of finding him and re-living him one more time. One final glimpse of him in someone else. Does that make sense? Is that fucked up? Or do we all do that after death…


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