W3 – The Unlecture

One main idea I took away from last week’s ‘Unlecture’ and tute was this:

Over the last couple of weeks students seem to be getting frustrated about all this talk about learning – like we’re learning about learning alternatively instead of learning alternatively about Networked Media (using the Model II methods, speculative learning etc etc)

What I noticed in class and through other’s blog posts is that we’re all making connections between the Week 2 and Week 3 readings – something that Adrian has admitted was not intended and claimed that the readings are not intended to link to one another.

I think this is a good sign that we are, in fact, adopting this Model II learning method and finding our own way through the course. We’re making connections where we see them fit, not because we’re told to see them.

If we want to go back to the boat metaphor, you may say we’ve found ourselves following our own bit of current or an eddie or something like that… I’m not too good with the maritime jargon.

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