W1: The ‘Unlecture’

So far, I don’t mind the idea of an ‘Unlecture’.

I certainly like the idea of being experimental with the learning process, despite being a little thrown off from the traditional ways of learning I think we’re all pretty accustomed to.

As far as speculative learning goes, I was a bit thrown off by what Adrian meant, but I’m warming up to the idea and, steadily, the process.

As I’ve mentioned in my previous post, I’m very much accustomed to the academic system by which you are assigned a grade and BAM! You pass or fail and here’s by how much. In terms of academic study, I think I could use fewer guidelines. I think I’m a little too reliant on them to tell me what to do.

So I think it will certainly do me some good to just try and find my own way through the learning process, figure out in some way what I want to get out of the course (stay tuned…) and how I might be able to determine how well I’ve achieved that outside of the usual numeric grade measures.

Of course, this all lends to Adrian’s boat metaphor. And whilst I’m not the biggest fan of long-winded metaphors, I’m looking forward to the speculative learning process: instigating ideas, being pushed to think creatively and so on.

It may feel a little unusual, but I’m sure we’ll find our way and do a little better than these guys:

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