2021 Festival Experience

Sponsors and the MOFF Sponsorship Package

Bec Madin

For the Melbourne Overlooked Film Festival (MOFF), I worked within the production team sourcing sponsors. I found this task challenging as my job was to pitch our festival to established and reputable brands in order to gain support. 

Myself and William created the ‘MOFF 2021 Sponsorship Package’. Within it, we included multiple packages for potential sponsors to choose from. This included a ‘financial sponsor’ which consisted of a monetary donation, an ‘in-kind sponsor’, a donation of their services/goods, and a ‘media partner’, a promotion of our festival. The financial sponsorship package had three options to choose from, basic, standard and premium. It was difficult to gain financial support from businesses especially due to the impact COVID-19 had on many small companies. However, we were able to obtain a lot of support through media promotion and in-kind offers which helped MOFF reach a larger target audience and provide amazing prizes for our MOFF winners. 

With the help of a professional-looking and well- designed, sponsorship package, we were able to gain the support of six different businesses. FILMINK, Lighthouse Rentals, RUSU, SYN Radio, Lili and Pearl Photography, and KAIJU Beer. Liaising with these sponsors was a full-time role. Juggling the negotiating of promotion, donations and money required a lot of correspondence, time, and energy. However, I am pleased to say the all the sponsors were fantastic to work with and supported us throughout. 



Media Coverage 

Ida Prada – Instagram (Stories)

I landed a role in media coverage, specifically handling MOFF’s Instagram story.  With the use of Instagram’s stories and its unique features, I was able to engage with and create a relationship with our followers, maintaining a loyal audience and decreasing the chance of users unfollowing the page. What of MOFF that we want to transfer onto social media needs to have this organic, emotional wallop to it so that people can not only relate to what MOFF stands for but also feel safe in contributing to this liminal space.

The instagram story features that helped me achieve this includes the question sticker button that could be attached on a photo or video. It is a simple feature that allows you to ask a question and receive responses from your audience. Built to strengthen the communication between brands and their followers, the question feature helped MOFF to start more conversations with our audience. Especially through lockdown and the sudden change of our festival to a digital event, we had to make sure that we maintained a good relationship with our followers.  “What will you be watching while in Lockdown?” was a big hit. We also made a game that engaged our audience to choose whether they like “This Or That?” genre. Getting to know our audience was a crucial part of mounting a film festival- It helped us understand what our audience liked and wanted to see in the future- this was achieved through the Instagram Polls. With the information we received, we analyzed and took action on this feedback immediately; for example, we shared those answers as a sticker on top of films that have been edited to fit Instagram stories dimension.

It’s always a challenge when working with an audience; on our first day of screening, we had to change platforms twice. Within 10 – 15 minutes of announcing the change on our Instagram story, everyone from twitch was able to find their way into the youtube stream. It shows how the Instagram story is a great tool that helps boost our posts and reach more users. This can also be achieved from another Instagram story feature; countdown. From what I have observed, users are more likely to repost our posts/stories on their stories. So we used this opportunity to promote venues and sponsors too. Though sometimes we don’t get any constructive feedback, that didn’t stop us from using these features but instead learn what didn’t work out and develop other questions/themes/games. Overall, I’m very happy with what we achieved on Instagram! #MOFFRMIT


Lauren Facci – Facebook Page & Event

As a member of the MOFF team, and due to my own interest in the world of social media, I took on the role of establishing MOFF’s presence on Facebook through both the Facebook page and Facebook event.  Facebook isn’t an application that I commonly use myself for sharing anything, so being able to target this platform and expand upon my skills in the area allowed me to utilize and explore a range of features that Facebook provides its users in order to assist us in messaging MOFF to our audience through several streams such as the Facebook event.

Facebook as a platform assisted me and our team in ensuring the most recent news and updates regarding MOFF, particularly in tackling our two biggest conundrums the shift to online and the stream going down, were being shared to our audience within a timely manner and that the messaging was clear and accessible across all platforms. I believe we were successful in achieving this goal as we made plans prior to any errors for posts to be made regarding these issues, writing up messages well in advance so that in the event we needed to post across all the social media platforms, we were prepared in order to ensure the swift messaging of the issues and how they were being remedied by our team.

There is much to talk about regarding our use of Facebook as a platform – but another crucial detail I believe assisted us in expanding our audience beyond our friends and family were the Facebook advertising campaigns that we ran, particularly the final ad campaign which helped advertise the event specifically. I believe this assisted us as a team as it provided us with a general idea of just how many attendees would attend the festival, and it was a pretty accurate measure too! We ended up getting to a viewer mass in the 70’s and 80’s on both nights at their peak which aligned with the number of individuals who marked themselves as ‘going’ on our Facebook page, thus allowing me to target more specific messaging to those we knew were attending and also to employ strategies that would bring those who had marked ‘interested’ towards marking themselves as ‘going’.

Facebook Page
Facebook Event



I always love to edit videos, so I took on the responsibility of making one of the festival trailers. The program team provided short films that they have chosen to be screened in MOFF sent to me through email. I got the short films and took out short interest scenes from those films into Adobe Premiere to edit. For the introduction of the trailer, I took the logo and background from the design team to create. I wanted to make the intro dramatic, therefore I put quite a time into searching for a music soundtrack. I also gave the intro a mysterious look by flashing the logo on and off at the start. For the ending, I added the date of the premiere of MOFF and the website for the viewers to know when MOFF is going to happen. When I finished the editing, I uploaded it to Google Drive, then I sent the link to my team through Facebook messenger, asking for their opinion. The internet has made sharing easy and convenient for remote work. One of my classmates responded back to me and pointed out 1  mistake I made on the date. I put an exclamation mark instead of number one. She then suggested that if I could make the outro the same vibe as the intro, and I thought it was a good idea, therefore I went and re-edit the trailer. The suggestion and feedback were helpful, as sometimes I could not see the mistakes that I made. Near the premiere day, a lockdown happened so we had to move our festival online, so I have to re-edit the trailer a little. I changed the date and announced the festival was a free online event.

Working in a diverse team is valuable. We could hear ideas and different perspectives from others and come together as one to create a special event such as MOFF.




Layla Suto

 TikTok / Instagram Reels

I had the pleasure to be part of the Social Media team, primarily handling the content creating and sharing of Instagram and TikTok.  As the social media team, it was our responsibility to act as a bridge between the public and the festival administration.  Therefore our protocols involved ensuring our online posts were up-to-date, informatively correct, and visually stimulating.  TikTok was a social media platform that was utilized to distribute fun content,  behind-the-scenes footage, and details relevant to MOFF.  TikTok was a hybrid of my own original content and trailers created by the design team.

As a method to make MOFF’s videos go viral, it was integral for our posts to consist of trending sounds, effects, filters, and hashtags.   Not only this, but to work alongside the TikTok algorithm, I ensured that content was posted every few days after 6:30 pm (when most Australian TikTok users are on their phones), and encouraged students to share, comment, and like our posts.  Unfortunately, while some videos providentially attained hundreds of views, others failed to make it onto the ‘For You’ page, leaving us with embarrassingly low views and likes. Notwithstanding, some TikToks were recycled onto Instagram as Reels, posts, and ‘Stories’ to promote TikTok and shine light onto the crafty videos.

I tried my best to post informative updates at the same times as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.  In doing so, I attempted to put a TikTok twist onto such updates and countdowns by lip-synching viral sounds and trends.   In regards to Instagram, I assisted by supplying feedback to the group, suggesting content ideas, writing up captions, and designing/posting stories during the course of the event nights.


Screencaps / Chats

Michelle Lin

As a team member of MOFF, I took the responsibility to do screen captures throughout the two nights of live streaming. I made sure to take multiple screencaps for every film including the conversations going on during each film. Interviews, of course, were captured as well. This part is necessary for both saving the memories of the first year of MOFF and providing proof to FilmFreeway.

Some examples for the films:

For the interviews:

For the chat:

Although it was precious to be able to capture these moments from the event, I still feel pity for not being able to see the audiences’ reactions in person. The films were beyond my expectation of quality. It would have been awesome to have them screened on the big screen in the Capitol. The experience of taking screencaps was definitely not as fun as taking photos in person, but I am still glad to have this different and innovative opportunity.

I have uploaded the majority of screencaps from both nights to our google drive.