‘A QUIET AFTERNOON’ is a short film by Vi Vo, with a weird mystery at the beginning of the film. Where the main figure was being followed but then disappeared. The mystery turned out just to be a dream of the daughter. The dream acts as a warning sign for the daughter. A little drama starts to happen with and the end with a happy ending.
I filmed with my mirrorless Canon and asked my mom to be my actress. I wanted to explore the mystery theme through hiding the characters’ identities and through colour grading and the background soundtrack. In the first half of the film, the characters’ identities are hidden, in order to create ambiguous and mystery effect to the viewers. I filmed most of the shots, but also needed help of my mother and the tripod. The film was shot in two parts. The first part was made with a mystery intention, where I could make it weird with unclear meaning, so that it could open up with many interpretations. However, when I got the feedback from my tutors and classmates, most responses were my film is ambiguous and unclear. Suggestion of an explanation in my next video had been made, thereby I followed. In the second part, I turned to the mystery into a dream as the solution.
Through feedback given by my tutor, I have learned to focused more on framing and shot sizes and angles to emphasise on the main object of the shots. Moreover, I have learned that as a filmmaker, we have to know our intention and understand our own piece of work, even when the audience don’t understand it. In the making of this little piece, I just do what popped up in my mind, and forgot to aware about the meaning. Overall, this task helped me to think and plan more, focused more on what should be capture on screen.