How Directors can use the coverage of a phone call to enhance their narrative

For my research project I decided to look into the way in which different directors approach phone conversations in their films.The telephone has essentially become a plot device for script writers to connect two characters without having them in the same room. Of course like many things this can be done very well and also quite lazely. But when done well, the coverage of a phone call can add tremendously to the scene.

I analysed in depth two scenes from films directed by David Fincher and Martin Scorcese, looking at how they have utilised their filmic tools to enhance the scene and the characters within them. Ultimately I found in my research that the directors decisions on coverage can do more than visualise dialogue. Coverage can be used to enhance the narrative, visualise a hostile relationship or even as a tool for character development. In this small study on the coverage of phone calls in film, It’s become clear that the way you cover a scene says a lot about your filmmaking craft and its pleasing to see Filmmakers continuing to improve upon the foundations left by previous cinematic pioneers.

Research Project – Scene in Cinema

Tully Hemsley

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