Created by Georgia Bertolino, Beatrice Madamba & Tiani Wiropuspito
In collaboration with ACMI we were given the opportunity to share film techniques that directors utilise when creating a narrative in a film. Our group chose to explore ‘Breaking the Fourth Wall’. This technique aims to confuse and distort the audience’s viewing experience. This video essay aims to define what it means to ‘break’ the fourth wall.
Underground Stars – Loxbeats [Copyright-safe Music]
Alfie, 2004 Paramount Pictures
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, 1997 New Line Productions
Convent Garden Theatre 1801-10, from Microcosm of London
Deadpool, 2016 20th Century Fox
Dora The Explorer, 2000 Nickelodeon
Do the Right Thing, 1989 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks
Drury Lane Theatre 1801-10, From Microcosm of London
Ferris Buller’s Day Off, 1986 Paramount Pictures
Fight Club, 1999 Fox 2000 Pictures
Fleabag, 2016 BBC Three
SC Lannom
Spaceballs, 1987 Brookfilms, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Wayne’s World, 1992 NBC Films