Each individual or group will need to present a summary of their work and links to the final work/s on a page on the studio’s website.
Put your work into this site:
To gain access to the website, login using these details:
Username: rmitmediastudent
Password: media2020
Please post a one-liner summary of your work and one image or link to your work.
This has to be completed by next Tuesday 2 June by 11:59 pm.
Details of the assignment:
Assignment 5 pt1 – 5% of your overall mark
Website – Each individual or group will need to upload to the studio website:
1) a short summary of their work including a title and individual/group names;
2) an embedded link to the final workhouse on the MediaFactory Vimeo account [see instructions below];
3) a featured image for the final work (this is usually added via a separate panel on the right-hand side in the blog dashboard//edit post).
This submission/studio website should not contain any work from google drive or one drive. It must be accessible by the public.
All video work published on the Studio Exhibition sites must use the Mediafactory Vimeo account – this is not to be used for other work except by permission. This should have been done as part of the Assignment 4 submission requirements. All students must ensure their work on the publicly accessible MediaFactory does not infringe copyright in any way.