Our media society, becoming more and more saturated, to the end, beyond itself, oversaturated, become an empty shell of itself. We consume our passion and energy on social media, our electronic devices becoming our best partners, the natural environment has become a blind spot. No one questions the authenticity or significance of their existence. Whether they exist, whether they are real, whether they are beyond reality, is something that we are trying to touch on in this project.

Please view page by page, we set the page order and content to ensure that you achieve the best viewing effect. The idea of our whole project is based on these three references. If you are interested, please browse the below reference list.


Hodkinson,P, 2017, Saturation, Fluidity and Loss of Meaning, Media Culture And Society, 2nd edn, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, p265-278

Rollero, C., & De Piccoli, N.2010, Place attachment, identification and environment perception: An empirical study. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(2), 198-205<https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0272494409001066>

Sandoz, D,  2003, The Chicago school of media theory, Theorizing Media since 2003: simulation / simulacrum (1) <https://lucian.uchicago.edu/blogs/mediatheory/keywords/simulation-simulacrum/>

Connect Info:

If you have any questions, suggestions or want to contact us, please connect following information: 

Charlotte Duanmu: charlottiamo@icloud.com

Karen Xiao: s3670586@student.rmit.edu.au

Jocelyn Li: jocelynlxrxx@gmail.com

Making Embodiment Studio, Media 3, Under the school of Media and Communication, RMIT University

Studio Leader: Sophie Langley (sophie.langley@rmit.edu.au

Please press posted in [Charlotte, Jocelyn, Karen] below


HYPERLIFE: Hyperreal, hypernormal and hypersaturation

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