Infinite Lists

poetic approaches to media production

All the worlds a stage All the worlds a stage. Maxwell Keesing Hi and welcome to my media piece for infinite lists. My Media Piece is inspired by the idea of bringing creative and academic thinking to a different audience or at least getting academic people to think about creativity and writing in a different way. My Aim is…

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Overwhelmed – By Rachel, Joseph, and Jack

The internet is a vast, yet heavily interconnected space. Social media is more prevalent now than ever before, and one of its major uses among users is for self-expression and emotional exploration. With “Overwhelmed” we aim to explore and explode what these different ways of expressing a certain mood in an online environment are, and…

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Stories of Ennui

    This piece was created as an exquisite corpse. Each member responded to the notion of freedom, within the constraints of an Instagram account. The aim was to explore what evolves from this process. Does it create a narrative? Could this gathering lists continue infinitely? Instagram: @storiesofennui Studio: Infinite Lists Members: Chelsea, Leanna &…

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Unavailable – by James, Adele, Meg and Galih

By James Heywood, Adele Szaters, Meg Dolphin and Galih Gibran Unavailable is a collaborative new media piece. Using listing techniques such as gathering and noticing, we have assembled a collection of new and archival fragments to explore what we have been longing for in isolation. As a viewer, you are able to self-direct your journey…

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