How to Crush Samuel Cucinotta’s Dreams

The video I made this semester is DREAMS, the culmination of my work in the Deliberate Film studio. It is a short video based on an excellently written script by somebody, no one knows who. Despite butchering it by making minor adjustments of my own, I believe the strength of the original intent shines through. The process of making it (in other words; shooting a film entirely over Zoom) was difficult to say the least. But life without difficulty isn’t really life, is it? Having two actors run their own cameras independently, praying that the audio and eye lines match up, is an stressful and oddly rewarding endeavour; watching it all unfold perfectly in the edit is one of the most satisfying feelings I’ve had in my time at RMIT. I think my biggest takeaway from this is the importance of strong basic skills, it’s no use showing off with some flashy techniques if you can’t nail the basics. I’ll keep this short for two main reasons; firstly, there is no minimum word count for this post and secondly, I believe my work says more than I ever could in words. I sincerely hope you enjoy it, or at least pretend to in order to protect my feelings.

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