Four men are sitting around a round table. This meeting had been long anticipated. Weeks had been spend of talking behind each other’s back, and venting frustration. Two people, Stephen and Stan, wanted something. The other two, Gavin and Daniel, held a position of power and the ability to give it to them. Gavin was a fairly uninvolved people-pleaser, while…
Speaking to someone online versus seeing them in real life is a concept that is baffling to many individuals such as myself. My plans to meet up with a friend I rarely see but speak to online happened on a Wednesday afternoon. Brunch was the chosen mode of activity at a local cafe. There were no expectations of how it…
Speaking to someone online versus seeing them in real life is a concept that is baffling to many individuals such as myself. My plans to meet up with a friend I rarely see but speak to online happened on a Wednesday afternoon. Brunch was the chosen mode of activity at a local cafe. There were no expectations of how it…
A blonde-haired girl (20’s) with round glasses, hooped earrings and a denim jacket just got done with her date as she kisses her partner goodbye and him leaving her, presumably to head home. The girl sits in place, twirling her hair round and round, smiling… for quite some time. Once in awhile, she would get a text from her phone…
This is the observation I wrote that this piece is based on. “A bike path dark and empty was poorly lit by the sparse lights littered along the track. Alone, the distant sounds of the main road were drowned out , the loudest sound was the slow churning of the wheels and gears which was constant with each rotation. Riding…
Brief: About the pleasure of watching people doing ‘hand work’, the eye contact of human and machine, and the uncertainty. Observational Writing: Saturday’s Queen Victoria Market is always bustling, lively and crowded. A small cafe is located at the corner of the dairy hall, the smell of coffee beans played on the breeze, attracting me to walk towards it.…
OBSERVATION Popular demand can be both exciting and daunting, when the whole world is racing to grab the one thing that is soon being released, its every person for themselves, there will be people who get what they want, and people who unfortunately miss out. I was somewhere in between those two types this week, competing in a race for…
Observation A man and a woman are reclined in two similar oval-shaped chairs under the hot sun by a river’s edge. Their chairs are facing one another, and each has propped their legs up and onto the other’s chair so that they may lie down. His head is slumped along the side of the chair, it appears as though he…
Disco Business Man The 7:33am train departs from Hampton station on a brisk March morning. Out the window of the train the grey-blue ocean is choppy, it looks restless. Passengers with eyes closed, cross their arms over their chests in order to squeeze in the last precious moments of rest before the working day commences. One man, wearing a blue…
A young man is working out in his backyard. He’s on a rowing machine, and listening to loud music. West Coast Hip Hop is his favourite. As the music gets more intense, he starts to go harder. And harder. Each pull on the machine he begins to grimace more & more, sweat beating down his face. The song nears its…