Sweet but Pyscho
Sweet But Psycho
Alessandro Pinizzotto
The Small Things class has been one of the best studios I had the chance to participate in. Since week 1 we started learning basic but useful information on how to set up our equipment in the most efficient way possible as well as looking ‘cool’ while doing it, an aspect our tutor Paul always held in high regards. Me and my peers all had the chance to experiment and learn one by one, managing the equipment and testing various things out. Usually a typical class would go as such: first we would be explained how and what a said equipment piece would be able to do and what it would be for, secondly we would get the chance to set up the very expensive piece of tech (hopefully without damaging it), and thirdly Paul would give us an assignment where we had to shoot or record audio for a certain script assigned by him. The studio had assignments and tasks designed to helped me and the rest of us to develop our ideas while facing limitations such as time restrictions, cooperating with group members and more importantly challenge ourselves to make the best piece of media we could produce putting together our ideas and developing them step by step.
Gill Nguyen
Through this subject, I learned a lot and most importantly is the way a filmmaker would process and create a film. I understand the concepts from the most basic to more deeper in detail along with professional skills and teamwork. In some beginning lessons, I was exposed to the concepts and definition needed in editing and filming such as camera angles, shot, colour grading, using equipment that helps me understand what I need to do, how I can express my ideas with execution in a specific way. Next, the detailed knowledge about the camera was instructed from which I understand how to use the camera methodically, with the necessary steps on battery, white balance, audio, exposure and I need to pick it up carefully, get used to it to adjust the angle of rotation match the intent of the script. Besides, skills such as script writing and analysis, angle or shot construction, acting or audio are also particularly important in the learning process here. From some small exercises such as making a bed, shoot a small part from the script to the bigger project with a more complex scenario, requiring teamwork coordination, such as how to choose a suitable location, storyboard, audio set up, shooting angle, acting. To edit movies, I know how to use Premier pro as a flexible, useful software for video editing with necessary operations such as merge or cut clips, audio and sound editing, colour grading and skill completion through each project. The part I’m most proud of is the colour grading skill.
John Flandez
In the first week of the semester, I felt that the structure and content of this studio were going to be similar to the studio I did in the previous semester (The Scene in Cinema). Although I knew that Paul is a great teacher and all, I was hesitant to whether I should switch to a different studio or not. Looking back to that moment of hesitation now, I am glad that I stayed and became part of the Small Paul’s family. This studio has been beneficial to my development as a filmmaker in many ways. I have learnt more techniques and methods of filmmaking in this studio than I did in my first year of university and the overall process was enjoyable. I learnt how to coil cables, setup three-point lighting, break down scripts/storyboards, cast actors, not use my laptop when Paul is talking, merge video and audio, track matte in videos, how to be organised in pre-production and many more. I will definitely miss coming to this studio and being in an environment in which everyone is willing to help each other become better filmmakers. If I wanted to be tacky in this reflection, I could say that the biggest thing I have gained in this studio is happiness. Happiness from all the little things.
Julian Maidment
The Small Things Studio led by the brilliant Paul ‘worked on the Matrix’ Ritchard, has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. The best studio I have done at RMIT so far. The amount I got out of this studio has been tremendous. At the start, I hoped I would become a better media practitioner. To learn the tricks to editing and filing. Also, to become a competent cameraman and create engaging and aesthetically pleasing visual content. I also wanted to build up my acting show-reel. Without a doubt, I have achieved these things and much more. Not only did I have the privilege to act in a colleague’s excellent short film, but also got to direct my own, that achieved everything I outlined at the beginning of the studio. Something I was especially weak in was shot construction, however, that was something that has vastly improved and is evident in ‘Sweet But Pyscho’. Not only just the media side improved but I met and collaborated with a bunch of great people
Peyton Lly
I think the studio is to let students use the camera to shoot small things and edit them into the video. I hope the studio can develop my thinking in different ways as I may edit different versions from using the same footage and to create different effects. I am really interested in the ‘green screen’ and ‘special effects’ in a most scientific movie, like how to do came setting and how to adjust the green screen and so on. In that case, I may learn more knowledge in this semester. In addition, I hope I can be more careful about every detail in the editing process. I will pay more attention to editing when I watch series and collect ideas to apply in my editing. I hope to learn more about shooting and learn different shooting techniques because different shooting methods can affect different effects in films, so it is really important for me to learn more about it. Furthermore, it is a good time for me to practice my premiere pro skills through editing can learn more tips to help me save time and speed up my work. And at the end of the study period, I can take a short video using my learning from the whole semester. If I have enough time, maybe I can learn some stuff about Ae, to add some animation in my project