Author Archives: madelynneherrmann
Brief 4- Video and poem response
Hi all, my partner, Zahra and I responded to the poem “The Earth Shakes” by Steve Stanfield. This post will include the poem we responded to, the film I made in response to the poem and and poem I made in response to Zahra’s film.
Initial Poem
[The earth shakes]
I stood,
I watch
slowly circling the
void upon the waters.
The eternal sea.
molten glass
seemed to meld
into blue night,
the sun a moist watercolour
freshly created and laden with
the sea
breathing gently on my lover’s chest
the atmosphere a curtain around
planet Ocean
my eye was a faint molten sea,
the surface like a suspended moment
backlit from another world.
The tear it left was
emerald and wild
a watery jungle
we examine the surface
while the ocean may look
for millennia