Author Archives: leannelim
Brief 4 – Leanne’s Video Response to Ben’s Poem (Option A)
Transposed from Ben’s poem:
Black Well
At the bottom of the well I gaze
down, deeper into the abyss that holds you
the shape of your body clear
distinct from the nothing about us
Your movements mesmerise, the echoing
of your bare flesh against the walls
of our prison
make me think of home
I reach for you
but fall short, my actions more frenzied
as the distance between us remains fixed
I scramble across the surface
Feeling the texture of nothing
Caress, splinter, burn and soothe
All at once
Returning to inconsistency
Then I go down
Now falling
Will reach
Can’t touch
Won’t breathe
I need
Your skin, so cold
Be never stilled
else swallowed by the abyss
‘ caress, a soundless abstract
Warmth amongst black
I lie alone, gazing up
Into the dark