

In the first weeks tutorial, we all did a presentation talking about what documentary can be?. In my presentation, I showed a work that I did in last semester, which is a video about a girls life experience. At first, I didnt consider it as a documentary, cause the video didnt record the process that she growing up. However, after showing to the class, the classmates and Kim told me it is a documentary, which changed my perception of documentaries. Documentary could be anything about real life recording, it based on the real life. In my presentation, I also mentioned a film called Transcendence”(Pfister, 2014). Its not a documentary but it talks about the environment, in the film, the main character seems do whatever it takes to control the world and all human beings, in the end, he just wants to improve the global environment. It left a deep impression to me, makes me rethink about human nature and the terrible global environment definitely needs people to make some changes immediately.

During the process of taking class, we watched a documentary Scenes from a Dry City. After watching this video, it inspired me about documentary filmmaking. In the past, documentary left me a impression of academic, serious, even a little bit boring, but the film use many dramatic way to show the strict current situation of South Africa, which attracted and impressed the audience. I will try to treat documentary filming multiply.

The first video that I took recorded the environment that I live, my three kittens take up most of the shots, cause they also take a large part of my life. I recorded the details of their daily life, such as fighting, eating and sleeping. In my video I shoot the views of my house, combine this two elements, it made up my flat but great life.


RottenTomatoes, 2014, Transcendence, viwed 15th March,[]

Wood, S&Verster, F2019, Scenes from a Dry City, Field of Vision.

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