Film Light 2019

RMIT Media Studio

Tully’s A4 Links

R1 – R2 – R3 – R4 – R5 –   Presentation Reflection –   Research Project –

Week 9 pt. II

Earlier this week we discussed the idea of consistency in coverage and how this can really help develop the pace and tone of the film. David Fincher does this really well and his consistent decisions on coverage develop a great tone and pace in his films. After writing about this I started to think about…

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Week 9

In week 9, we discussed the idea of consistency in cinema relating to coverage. Audiences are willing to accept the world the director gives them if the world appears consistent. And this constancy moves across, into the way the director approaches coverage. The idea that the way you cover your scene can have a huge…

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Film Light: Joseph, Terance and Tully For our experiment, we wanted to work with silhouettes. We attempted to try and get the most desired silhouette effect, where there is a dark subject with clean, sharp edges, and a correctly exposed background, all in the same shot. Our experiment, therefore, was based around contrast and controlling the light in the environment….

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