The most important lesson from this studio is that you cannot definitively define coverage in a simple sentence. After learning from Robin Plunkett, the studio leader, I have found that my definition of coverage is constantly evolving and shifting and will continue to do so. But to week after week film short scripts learning new techniques relating to how to cover a scene expanded my understanding of film and its many different facets were invaluable to me. But the biggest lesson I learned was just how long it takes to shoot something and the immense amount of planning and foresight that is needed to understand how to block out and shoot a scene is something I will never take for granted when watching a film. This studio certainly changed the way I watch films but not in a bad way, having studied coverage and what the structure of a scene should and can be has made watching good films great and terrible films even worse.
The best part of this studio was the infectious passion of Robin, who week after week pushed us to love the craft and to treat it like a privilege every time we picked up a camera, which certainly affected me, pushing me to want to do as much as I can and learn as much as I can.