I don’t even know where to begin with summarising this studio because I have learnt so much. All of the skills I have developed throughout this semester have been invaluable and will assist me greatly in future projects.

From the very first class we were learning how to use the Sony ex3 cameras and this kind of practical work never slowed down. I can only remember two classes from the entire semester where I wasn’t either behind or in front of the camera shooting something. These ranged from smaller exercises of a few shots to larger exercises of many. Unchanged for every exercise, however, was how much I took away. These practical exercises have also given many opportunities to practice editing and have inspired and encouraged me to experiment with different ways of doing things.

There were many concepts, such as depth of field and crossing the line, that I was aware of before this studio but never fully understood the implications of. Thanks to the amount of practical work in this studio and the perfectly planned exercises from Robin, I have now had these concepts broken down and explained inside out and the amount of confidence I have gained because of this is significant.

Another helpful component to this studio has been viewing many prime examples of cinema, which I am sure we can all strive to match the standards of now that we have developed so many skills. Simply just watching a scene multiple times and breaking it down has taught me  how so many elements go into shooting even just a simple conversation. I have realised that no, one element in film works separately from the others and I now have a greater appreciation for what filmmakers do.

Thanks to Robin’s teaching, guidance and passion, I have truly become more excited about studying film and I am so grateful for this.

Coming into this studio, I thought we would basically just be framing up shots but it has been so much more than that. I have come out of this a more aware and confident director, actor, editor and overall human being.

So, thank you to Robin and my fellow classmates for an unforgettable studio.

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