“Films are light.” Federico Fellini How should we think about light in order to use it as an expressive element in film production? What can we learn from the countless practitioners who have preceded us, and the restrictions and challenges they have faced? DESCRIPTION This simple, three-word observation is the kind that, when de-contextualised and quoted at the…
Adelle Lacey Andrew Pham Kerry Posthoorn Ryan Rosenberg Our group decided to each produce our own individual piece, but to have some unifying aspects be present throughout each piece. As we were all producing our own individual project, we had clear roles for each person, and switched them with every project. The main thing that was a common thread…
Jianing Chen Matthew Duong Lance Fidler Max Simonson Jianbo Yang For our Assignment 4 project we got together and started brainstorming lighting ideas by taking references from our favourite films. We decided on going with a science fiction theme, taking heavily from the films “Blade Runner” and “Blade Runner 2049”. Part 1 “Matt Runner 2018” For part one of…
Aalaa Ahmed Duy Khuong Yuhan Liang Our purpose for Assignment 4 was to explore the use of lighting in different genres and how lighting speaks for a genre by decomposing and analyzing some lighting prototypes in representative films of their genres. For Project 1, we recreated a scene from the famous Thriller film ‘Psycho’ by Alfred Hitchcock. The cinematographer,…
Aine Hamilton Quinlan Li Samantha Phelps Darcey Taylor-Morrison Louise Wilson For our group project, we produced a short scene in two locations, outside a restaurant in the CBD called Magic Mountain Saloon, as well as the inside of a car on the street. The entire scene was shot at night, as we were really interested in experimenting with the red…
Jialu Cheng Rachel Heng Zhi Qiu Wei Shen Fan Zhang We imagine our project to be the final scene of a movie as it was based on the last part of Camus’ first novel ‘The Stranger’. The protagonist Meursault has reached the very last point of his life because he has been sentenced to death for shooting a man…
Michael Firus Jake Kenner Jeremy Nguyen Lydia Watt Alexander Wilson Our task for Assignment 4 consisted of shooting two scenes in which we experimented with light in both the day and the night time. The fabulous Michael Firus wrote a script about a diamond dealer, who went by the name of Tony. We follow Tony into the night where…