COMM2650 Assessment 1, Part 3

Task 1.3: Final blogpost encapsulating folio – 30%

Due by end of Week 12 – submission via blog

A digital documentation and reflections folio will be compiled and presented in three stages across the semester. The folio will catalogue and reflect upon your work in progress, the substance and evolution of what you are creating in your studio lab, your contribution to your lab’s project, and the outcome/s for you creatively, critically and professionally.

This documentation portfolio is a ‘living document’, taking advantage of digital affordances including linking to other sites (such as those of your fellow students) and embedding media (e.g. photos, videos) where relevant. It should include reflections on individual contributions and progress of the studio as well as elements such as working documents or drafts, multiple images of the work in progress, extracts of work in progress, edited copy, screen grabs, website pages/screengrabs, interviews, email correspondence, notes to classes, schedules, summary documents, design ideas etc.

The aim of the folio is to demonstrate how the lab’s project and what you are making collaboratively has developed, and to provide a space for sharing your ‘thinking out loud’ about what you are learning and how.

It will be presented for assessment in a staged manner across the semester at three points, the exact timing and form of which will be determined by the individual studios.

Stage 3 of Task 1 is:

  • Final blogpost encapsulating individual folio: including summary statement and annotated links to selected previous blog posts – 30%

You will maintain a regular blogging practice, through which you document the development of your scripts and your group’s webisodes, using the concepts, theories, practices and skills introduced throughout the semester. From this blog, you will choose six posts for assessment.




  1. You will copy and paste the URLs from each of your six chosen blog entries into a new post. Give the post this title (or subtitle): ASSESSMENT TASK 1: PORTFOLIO. You do not need to list the URLs in chronological order – put them in the order in which you want them to be read. The selection and arrangement will represent a clear and varied overview of the blog as a whole and, as a series of collated entries, provide an engaging and dynamic narrative of your studio experience, ably demonstrating your contributions to the studio and the development/progression of your writing practice.
  2. For each link, you will write an annotation – no more than a paragraph per link – that explains your rationale for highlighting that post. Any research, literature or influential texts cited on your blog should be correctly referenced in the Harvard style.
  3. Following the annotated links, you will write a short statement (1-2 paragraphs) to conclude the digital portfolio.
  4. Important – copy/paste to the end of the post the following electronic declaration: I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.
  5. Publish the final post before midnight Sunday 15 October

Word count range: 2100-3500 words (approximately 300-500 words per post, including the new post of annotated links)


NB: It is important to understand that the quality of the posts’ content and presentation is far more important than the number of words used overall  – the word count range is a guideline only.


Assessment criteria  for complete folio (stage 3)

Quality: quality of development of the documentation folio, extensiveness of folio, ability to substantiate ‘work-in-progress’ through folio

Creative thinking: ability to be resourceful and experimental, ability to be an independent thinker, demonstration of initiative