COMM2650 Assessment 3

Task 3: CV, bio and cover letter (20%) | Due Week 12 | Sunday 15 October

Due end Week 12 (date to be specified by your lab tutor) – submission via blog

For this task you are to put together an up-to-date professional CV, 100-word bio and 500-word cover letter that demonstrates who you are at this point as an emerging writer with your new-found skills. You will need to research a real, potential role (job, publication submission, placement, project brief, or a well-researched ‘start-up’ proposition) and angle the task components to this: cover what is required; what would make you stand out in the selection process; and why you think you would be a good fit.

The cover letter should clearly identify what the role is that you are applying for, and the role needs to be advertised unless it is a start-up proposition. Your tutor will provide guidance as to how to construct and distinguish the three components.


  1. You will make a new post. Give the post this title (or subtitle): ASSESSMENT TASK 3: CV, BIO and COVER LETTER. Depending on the design, format and platforms of your CV, bio and cover letter, you will publish links or upload media (e.g. PDFs) to this post. 
  2. You will supply brief instructions or short contextual statements as needed to make sense of the post as a portal to your CV, bio and cover letter – including, for example, a link to (or copy of) the advertised position or brief explanation of the start-up you propose.
  3. Important – copy/paste to the end of the post the following electronic declaration: I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.
  4. Publish the final post before midnight Sunday 15 October (Week 12).

Assessment criteria

Professionalism: completeness of documents, degree of professionalism in presentation, mechanics including copyediting and proofreading, ability to follow instructions

Creative thinking: ability to be resourceful and self reflective, ability to be an independent thinker, demonstration of initiative

Critical skills: degree of self-assessment, demonstration of good communication skills, degree of understanding of field of practice