Screenwriters: re – Assessment Task 3

Here are the slides from yesterday’s presentation by Michelle Brown (Careers and Employability, RMIT).

Also, as requested, here are some places where previous students of the screen-based collaboration studios found advertised positions. These are to get you started but, of course, the research into possible opportunities is part of the task.

NB: I will accept any positions that have been genuinely advertised in 2017.

Writers on the Verge

Turner Jobs

Star Now

Pedestrian TV


Australian TV Jobs


The Reel Word

Film Victoria

Australian Writers’ Guild

and inspiration might be found here.


Popular Mechanics adaptation exercise – scripts and mood boards


Mack’s script and Amber’s moodboard

Heidi’s script and Brooke’s moodboard

Mitch’s script and Joan’s moodboard and Hazel’s moodboard

Jen’s script and Kelly’s moodboard

YET TO SHOW AND TELL (of what was emailed to Stayci on the day)

Monty’s script and Elizabeth’s moodboard

Thierry’s script and Bridie’s mood board

Campbell’s script and Olivia’s moodboard

Eve’s script and Helena’s moodboard

Anthony’s script

Ben’s script

Gianella’s moodboard

Ana Kokkinos’ workshops: homework

Hi everyone,

By now everyone who is adapting the Carver short story into a screenplay has been paired with at least one media student making a mood board inspired by your script (and you have swapped email addresses).

Writers – make sure you have emailed your draft by Thursday morning. Remember you are producing no more than approx. 3 pages.

Mood-boarders – further guidelines have been posted here. Have a look, but also remember that you are working from the script that is being delivered to you and the mood board is a specific response to that script.

And, of course, remember to bring scripts and mood boards to part 2 of the workshop on Friday afternoon.

Whichever task you’re doing, you should be thinking about theme.

Thanks everyone and see you Friday 2.30pm in Room 12.2.104 (the room directly opposite to where we were today).


Stayci (and Ana)