Another Report from Week 7 – 8


The shooting was done within the mid-semester break and we were all quite scattered as there was no organization from the pre-production phase. Thus, we were failing to meet deadlines; like completing the pilot. Prior to the presentation, the majority of the team had a quick discussion about what we were going to present. At the same time, the editors realised that the audio pieces weren’t labelled or linked up to the film footage. This led to a difficult time in completing the pilot, only a few scenes were usable. The presentation itself was successful and everyone in the team realised how well our work was and the test shoot helped us prepare better for the future. After the presentation, we immediately put a production schedule into place and allocated permanent roles.

Right now, our team has discussed with the writers on deadlines for the scripts whilst the rest of the production crew are solely focusing on their roles. The team has also agreed on weekly meetings and strict deadlines.

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