Week 7’s Thursday workshop will be devoted to individual group consultations where you will book into a 30 minute time slot with 4-5 others to discuss what you’ve found through your experiments and what you’re thinking about pitching as your task four project – this session will address the “refining” post that is part of Part I of Task 3.

What you have to do:

    1. Come to this consultation ready with the work you have done for Task 3 and 4-5 dot points which address the question – How are you going to develop these experiments into a larger project for Task Four?
    2. Book into a timeslot for this consultation here. You will need to be on time and stay for the full half an hour to hear and give feedback to other students.

Note: Only one session should have five students the rest should have four. So, as soon as one session has five students do not make any of the other sessions up to five.